3 Useful Preparation Tips When Going In For Pulmonary Function Tests

Health & Medical Blog

When you have problems with your lungs, it's important to go in for medical testing to see exactly what's wrong. That's what pulmonary function testing services are for. They will go according to plan as long as you prepare for them in the following ways. 

Know What Medications You Can And Can't Take

Pulmonary function tests are pretty standard today, but there are certain things that can interfere with their readings. For example, certain prescription medication can affect the analytics -- which would then prevent the medical examiner from determining anything useful from these tests.

Thus, if you're on any prescription medication, you need to know what to take and what not to take prior to going in for these tests. Finding out this information is as easy as talking to your primary care physician or the medical professional carrying out these tests. They'll take a look at your medication list and rule out ones you shouldn't use prior to screening. 

Avoid Smoking

If part of the reason why you're going in for these pulmonary function tests is to examine the gas exchange in your lungs, then it's important to stop smoking prior to these screenings. Failing to do so could affect your test results, and these tests aren't the cheapest to redo.

The best thing you can do is stop smoking completely before going in to have these tests performed. Talk to your primary care physician. See if there is a substitute you can use in place of smoking, such as patches or nicotine gum. Your doctor also will let you know how far out to stop smoking so that your test results are accurate. 

Understand Potential Side-Effects

Although pulmonary function tests are pretty commonplace, some people have been known to experience some side-effects. It's important that you research them so that if your body experiences the same things, you'll know what to look for and can respond appropriately.

Some of the more common symptoms that could occur during or after these tests include slight dizziness, mild coughing, shortness of breath, and, possibly, asthma attacks. If you experience something worse than these symptoms after the tests are administered, see your doctor immediately.

Having problems with your lungs is not ideal, and to get to the bottom of what is happening with them, you'll likely need to go in for pulmonary function tests. As long as you know how they work and follow the right protocol, you shouldn't run into any major issues. 

For more information, contact a medical center that offers pulmonary function testing services.


10 October 2019

Staying in Great Health Requires Exercise

My parents taught me healthy eating habits and I played outside a lot as a kid. Once I was old enough to work, I got a job as a waiter at a restaurant and kept waiting tables throughout high school and college. After college, I got my very first desk job, and my health started declining. I soon realized that even though I had never stepped foot in a gym, I was living a sedentary lifestyle for the first time in my life. I wasn't getting exercise playing outside or running around at work, so I decided to commit to going to the gym. My health began to improve and I now greatly enjoy bodybuilding. I know many other people are in ill health and can't figure out why, so I decided to start a blog to share my health tips and inspire everyone improve their health!