If your elderly loved one suffers from skin problems such as frequent rashes, diabetic foot ulcers, sensitivity, or excessive dryness, there are a number of medical supplies that may help. The skin is a person's first line of defense against infection. When the skin becomes broken, pathogens can easily enter into the bloodstream, leaving the individual vulnerable to bacterial infections. Here are three medical supplies to keep at home that may improve your loved one's skin condition:
Barrier Creams
Barrier creams are used to protect the peri-anal area against the effects of urinary and fecal incontinence. Stool and urine are very irritating to skin, and if not quickly cleaned, can lead to redness, excoriation, and even bedsores. Adult barrier cream is similar to diaper rash ointment because it repels moisture and helps keep the skin dry and intact.
If a person has an incontinent episode, the waste products are less likely to cause skin irritation if a layer of barrier cream has been previously applied. While barrier creams and ointments help protect the skin, they are of little value unless the individual is quickly cleaned and dried after each episode.
Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly helps keep dry, scaly skin well-moisturized and free from flaking. As people age, their skin becomes fragile, dry, and thin. Lubricants like petroleum jelly helps restore moisture so that skin regains its suppleness and elasticity. While petroleum jelly makes an excellent moisturizer, it is not as effective as barrier creams for protecting the skin from urine and stool after an incontinence accident.
Antibiotic Ointment
Other important medical supplies to keep on hand include antibiotic ointments. A senior citizen may be at a heightened risk for skin infections because of preexisting medical conditions, certain medications, and age-related moisture loss. If the older person gets a cut or scrape, applying an antibiotic ointment to the affected area can help prevent or slow the growth of pathogens that may have entered the bloodstream.
Many antibiotic ointments are available without a prescription, however, prior to use, check with your loved one's health care provider to make sure they will not interfere with other medications that are being taken.
These preparations are usually meant for use on small areas of the skin such as small abrasions. If a person sustains a severe injury covering a large portion of the skin, over-the-counter antibiotic ointments may not be an appropriate choice.
If your elderly loved one has sensitive or dry skin, or is incontinent, consider using the above medical supplies. Preventing skin problems before they escalate may help stave off serious consequences such as infection or deep wounds.
Share16 May 2016
My parents taught me healthy eating habits and I played outside a lot as a kid. Once I was old enough to work, I got a job as a waiter at a restaurant and kept waiting tables throughout high school and college. After college, I got my very first desk job, and my health started declining. I soon realized that even though I had never stepped foot in a gym, I was living a sedentary lifestyle for the first time in my life. I wasn't getting exercise playing outside or running around at work, so I decided to commit to going to the gym. My health began to improve and I now greatly enjoy bodybuilding. I know many other people are in ill health and can't figure out why, so I decided to start a blog to share my health tips and inspire everyone improve their health!