How To Avoid Runner's Knee When Training For A Long Distance Event

Health & Medical Blog

Runner's knee involves pain and stiffness in the area behind the knee cap. This injury typically arises when athletes are training for a long distance event, such as a 10k, half marathon, or marathon, and increase their mileage and training intensity without taking certain measures to protect their knees. If you want to avoid runner's knee this training cycle, make sure you're taking these steps.

Strengthen Your Core

A weak core lead to instability in your gait. This means that every stride you take, when you have a weak core, puts more stain than necessary on your knees and increases your risk of runner's knee. So, make sure you take the time to perform core-strengthening exercises at least twice a week before or after your runs. A 15 to 20 minute session that includes some basic planks, sit-ups and squats is a good starting point. Leg lifts, side planks and bridges are also good moves. Find some fun core workout videos on YouTube and follow along. The more you change it up, the more fun you'll have and the more motivated you'll be to fit those core workouts in. 

Make Sure You're Not Pronating

The term "pronation" refers to when the ankle rolls inwards as you stride. Many runners pronate as they run but are not aware of it. This motion puts extra strain on the knee and can lead to runner's knee. Pronation can be corrected by wearing stability shoes – shoes that have a firmer padding on the inside than on the outside. To find out if you pronate, visits a local running store where a specialist can analyze your stride. If you do pronate, they can recommend shoes that are well-suited to your foot shape and your degree of pronation.

Stretch Regularly

Chances are, you know you should be stretching after every run – but do you actually do it? Stretching out your calves and thighs only takes a few minutes, and it helps ensure none of your muscles are putting excessive strain on your knee. At the very least, spend a couple of minutes after each run stretching your calves by standing on the edge of a stair and sinking your heels down, and a few more minutes stretching your thighs by touching your toes. Incorporate more elaborate stretching routines as time allows.

Runner's knee can leave you sidelined for weeks as a runner. Instead of crossing your fingers and hoping you avoid this injury, take action by taking the precautions discussed above. Contact a company like Genesys Hospital physical therapy to learn more.


1 June 2016

Staying in Great Health Requires Exercise

My parents taught me healthy eating habits and I played outside a lot as a kid. Once I was old enough to work, I got a job as a waiter at a restaurant and kept waiting tables throughout high school and college. After college, I got my very first desk job, and my health started declining. I soon realized that even though I had never stepped foot in a gym, I was living a sedentary lifestyle for the first time in my life. I wasn't getting exercise playing outside or running around at work, so I decided to commit to going to the gym. My health began to improve and I now greatly enjoy bodybuilding. I know many other people are in ill health and can't figure out why, so I decided to start a blog to share my health tips and inspire everyone improve their health!